Keep Breathing...

As we enter Holy Week and move toward the culmination of the Lenten Season.

I reflect on the message that I shared at the beginning of this season.

As I begin the Lenten Journey preparing for what I will receive

The message that keeps resonating is ..

Just Breathe

Inhale, Exhale, Repeat

As we enter into Holy Week and culmination of the Lenten journey,

Here is the message I am receiving

Just keep breathing

Don’t let the concern of the fasting you may or not do, overshadow the presence of God with you

Are you physically breathing?  

Are you finding to sleep, be still and meditate?

Are you mentally breathing? 

Are you journaling , listening to music and taking breaks?

Are you socially breathing?

Are you spending time with loved ones  and being in community?

Are you spiritually breathing? 

Are you praying, being grateful and being in unity?

Are you emotionally breathing?

Are you taking time to digital detox, expressing emotions and releasing the need to people please?

Are you creatively breathing? 

Are you connecting with nature, taking time to play and make space for the creativity you’re conceiving?

As we enter Holy week and the culmination of the Lenten journey,

This is the message I’m receiving

Just keep breathing ….

Just keep breathing ….

Just keep breathing ….

This is the rhythm of life Lent has designed ….

And this remains long after the 40 days that Lent is assigned

Just Keep Breathing




Keep Breathing,
