Be Kind To Your Mind - Sheila's Mental Health ABCs

May is Mental Health Awareness month and a reminder for us to be kind to our mind.

Mental health is part of what grounds us, caring for it is a part of our natural design

Take time each day to be kind to mind, body, spirit and soul

Here are my Mental Health ABCs reminder to keep us whole.

  • A - Acknowledge your feelings without judging yourself

  • B - Breathe deeply and practice mindfulness

  • C - Connect with loved ones for support and to share.

  • D - Dedicate time for intentional self care.

  • E - Exercise regularly to reduce stress and boost moods

  • F - Fuel your body with a variety of nutritious foods.

  • G - Get enough sleep to rejuvenate your mind often.

  • H - Hobbies are therapeutic; so indulge in them 

  • I - Invest in counseling and the gift of therapy

  • J - Journal your thoughts and feelings to gain clarity.

  • K - Keep a gratitude journal to share your views.

  • L - Limit exposure to social media and negative news 

  • M - Meditate to calm your mind, spirit and reduce anxiety.

  • N - Nurture through through art, music, writing and  creativity

  • O - Opt for a digital detox regularly to recharge you

  • P - Practice positive affirmations to encourage you.

  • Q - Quiet your mind through relaxation for self.

  • R - Rest when you need it; don't overwork yourself.

  • S - Set boundaries to protect your mental health.

  • T - Take breaks when overwhelmed .. be kind to yourself

  • U - Unplug from technology and spend time in nature around you.

  • V - Validate your emotions; they are worthy of attention too.

  • W - Write down your worries and then let them go.

  • X - eXplore new hobbies, activities and ways to grow.

  • Y - Yearn for personal growth and self-improvement for all your days.

  • Z - Zero in on self-compassion; be kind to yourself, always.

Mental health is mental wealth

Mental health is spiritual wealth

Mental health is physical wealth

Mental health is emotional wealth.

Handle With Kindness

Sheila P Spencer